Baby Eczema Affects Mother And Child

Eczema often affects small children after the age of two months. Although some adults are also affected, this condition is really only a concern for small children and their caregivers. Usually the mothers are most concerned with the condition of a small child so baby eczema affects the mother as well as the child. Baby eczema looks awful, and a mother viewing the red, bumpy splotches of eczema has to be concerned. Baby eczema is eventually cured, but it takes time and patience. This condition looks ghastly, but there are rarely scars left by eczema.

The parents of a baby with eczema should work closely with the doctor to take care of the condition. The baby should have the affected area bathed carefully to alleviate the symptoms of eczema. The skin becomes very dry and itchy. Scratching the affected area can make it weepy and more painful. A baby with eczema does not understand that they should not scratch. The bathing process helps relieve the itchy feeling. The doctor will be able to recommend soap for the baby that will not dry out the area. Lubricants should be applied immediately after the bath.

Baby Eczema Disappears With Time And Care

There are treatments for baby eczema although there is no cure. The affected area must be treated carefully until it has run its course. The baby eczema is common, and as many as ten percent of young children will be affected by eczema. This condition is often inherited from one of the parents, and although it looks very serious, it is not a contagious disease. Parents do not have to worry that their baby will infect other children although other parents may not want their baby near one with eczema. Babies with eczema will not usually have eczema as adults.

Since eczema is probably inherited from the parents, there is nothing that parents can do to avoid baby eczema. Although they may feel terrible that their small child is afflicted with such an awful looking condition, there is nothing that they could have done to avoid an outbreak of eczema. Baby eczema often affects children that also have asthma and allergies. These conditions are often inherited as well so parents did not do anything wrong to produce these problems. Eczema often appears first on the forehead of the baby, and then it often moves to other areas of the baby’s body. The creases of the baby’s wrists, elbows and knees are often affected by eczema.